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Danmark tiltræder aftale om samarbejde i konkurrence­sager i Norden

Kromann Reumert
Danmark tiltræder aftale om samarbejde i konkurrence­sager i Norden
Denmark has signed a cooperation agreement between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, which is to ensure effective enforcement of the competition rules in the individual countries. Read along and stay updated on what the agreement entails.

The Cooperation Agreement replaces the previous agreement on the exchange of confidential information and implies that the competition authorities - besides exchanging such information - can now also carry out investigations on behalf of each other. This has so far only been possible if the other Nordic country was a member of the EU, and the case affected trade.

The agreement empowers each country's competition authorities to notify one of the other countries' competition authorities about the handling of cases likely to affect the other's important interests. This may, for example, be the case where the investigation includes a company located in the other country.

In addition, the competition authorities may exchange all legal and factual information, including confidential information, and use it as evidence in competition cases. In addition, a competition authority may, on behalf of any other competition authority and in its name, collect information and conduct investigations to assess whether there has been a restriction on competition.

The cooperation agreement has so far (as of 20 / 12-2018) acceded to Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

Read the cooperation agreement.
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